This event is endorsed
and organized by

4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies"

November 3–5, 2014 | Athens, Greece

The summary of Mobihealth 2014 is ready! Click here for the whole clip!

All materials are published in EUDL European Union Digital Library

The proceedings of Mobihealth 2014 in IEEE Xplore:

4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies"


  • Nishe platform meets Mobihealth 2014: Towards information sharing and networking (Link).
  • On Tuesday evening, a conference gala dinner will follow the visit to the Acropolis Museum (Link). The gala dinner will be held in Aegli Zappiou (Link) at 20.30. 
  • Guide for travelling to Athens: Link
  • Finalists for Best Student Paper Award & Rapid Fire Talks have been announced: Link
  • Honorable Award to Prof. Maria-Teresa Arredondo Waldmeyer: Link
  • IEEE EMBS Greece Chapter Awards: Link
  • Get informed about the program of the Satellite Event, featuring presentations by successful EC funded research projects, enterprises and start-ups!
  • Presentation guidelines are available here.
  • Program at a Glance and Final Program in full have been announced!
  • New Camera-Ready deadline: 25th of September - extended and final!
  • The registration page is now available!! More information can be found here.


Keynote Speakers

  • Andreas Lymberis, European Commission, Research program officer in Components Unit, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology.
  • Richard Kemkers, Philips Research Eindhoven, Head of the Department "Patient Care Solutions".
  • Gisele Roesems-Kerremans, Deputy Head of (ICT for) Health and Wellbeing unity within DG CONNECT, the Communications Networks, Content and Technology Directorate General of the European Commission.
  • Gianluca Lazzi, USTAR Professor and Department Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah.
  • May D. Wang, Associate Professor, Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology.

More Information about keynote lectures can be found here.

Welcome Message

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our honor and joy to welcome you to the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare (MobiHealth 2014). It is a top priority of MobiHealth conference series to strengthen the synergy between researchers and experts from academia, healthcare organizations, research institutions and industry, to advance the research in the field of wireless communication and healthcare.
The scientific program for MobiHealth 2014 has been compiled to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving disciplines of wireless communications, mobile computing and sensing technologies in healthcare. Five keynote lectures by internationally renowned speakers and more than 110 original contributions within the framework of regular and special sessions and workshops will update our knowledge, understanding and practice in the interdisciplinary field of mobile healthcare applications. Collectively, we will share ideas and discuss cutting-edge research, present experience with recent developments in healthcare delivery, and provide practical guidance to policy makers and in the setting of applicable standards. Moreover, within the framework of Mobihealth 2014, a Satellite Event on Innovative Systems and Services will take place, featuring oral presentations, demos and exhibitions, placing particular emphasis on practical and commercial use of innovative services and products of successful EC funded research projects, enterprises and start-ups. 
The city of Athens, one of the world's oldest cities with a recorded history of more than 3.000 years, needs no introduction: today it unifies the plethora of antiquities with parks, pedestrian streets and avenues and therein accommodates a great variety of cultural events and a lively nightlife. Cultural activities may include visits to the numerous museums, archaeological sites, old theatres and ancient temples scattered through the Attica’s landscape, concerts and shows, as well as leisure visits to the flea market or taverns at Plaka just under the rock of the Acropolis. The conference venue situated in Vouliagmeni, the most exclusive area of the Athens Riviera, offers the chance to enjoy the charm of the famous Vouliagmeni lake with the mineral water spa, as well as the breathtaking Athenian coast. The weather in the very beginning of November is quite pleasant and the sea still warm, offering opportunities for swimming and other water activities, unique sightseeing and relaxing for participants and accompanying persons.
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon in Athens.

The Conference Chairs​

Konstantina S. Nikita, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Nikolaos Bourbakis, Wright State University, USA
Benny Lo, Imperial College London, UK