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5th EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies"

October 14–16, 2015 | London, Great Britain

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. med. Steffen Leonhardt


Steffen LeonhardtChair for Medical Information Technology
Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering
RWTH Aachen University

Title - "The car as a location for medical diagnosis"

Abstract: After a short introduction to the motivitation and the driving forces involved, the talk will first summarize some classical cable-bound methods to assess driver state. Afterwards, several non-contact techniques for monitoring driver vital signs including capacitive, magnetic and optical methods will be discussed. A comparison will conclude the talk.      

Bio: Steffen Leonhardt was born in Frankfurt, Germany, on Nov. 6th, 1961. He holds a M.S. in Computer Engineering from SUNY at Buffalo, NY, USA, a Dipl.-Ing. and a Dr.-Ing. degree in Control Engineering from Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, and a Dr. med. degree from the Medical School of Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany. He has 5 years of R&D management experience in medical engineering industry and was appointed Head of the Philips Chair of Medical Information Technology at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, in 2003. His research interests include physiological measurement techniques, personal health care systems and feedback control systems in medicine.


Dr Benny Lo




Non-Clinical Lecturer in Medical Robotics, the Hamlyn Centre, and the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, UK

Title: Body Sensor Networks: Challenges and the Future

Abstract: Body sensor networks (BSN) have emerged as an active field of research to connect and operate sensors within, on or at close proximity to the human body. BSN have unique roles in health applications, particularly to support real-time decision making and therapeutic treatments. Nevertheless, challenges remain in designing BSN nodes with antennas that operate efficiently around, ingested or implanted inside the human body, as well as new methods to process the heterogeneous and growing amount of data on-node and in a distributed system for optimized performance and power consumption. As the battery operating time and sensor size are two important factors in determining the usability of BSN nodes, ultralow power transceivers, energy-aware network protocol, data compression, on-node processing, and energy-harvesting techniques are highly demanded to ultimately achieve a self-powered BSN.

Bio: Dr. Benny Lo is a Lecture of the Hamlyn Centre, and the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London. He also serves as an Manager Editor of the IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics, a Member of IEEE EMBS Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems Technical Committee , and a member of the management committee of the Centre for Pervasive Sensing. He is one of the pioneers in Body Sensor Networks (BSN) research, and helped building the foundation of the BSN research through the development of the platform technologies, such as the BSN development kit, introduction of novel sensors, approaches and theories for different pervasive applications, and organizing conferences and tutorials. 

His current research focuses on pervasive sensing, Body Sensor Networks (BSN), and Wearable Robot and their applications in healthcare, sports and wellbeing.