This event is endorsed
and organized by

3rd International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare

November 21–23, 2012 | Paris, France


CONCERTO: Content and cOntext aware delivery for iNteraCtive multimedia healthcaRe applications

Chair: Dr. Maria Martini, Kingston University, London (UK)

During the last century, significant scientific progress has more than doubled the average lifetime of developed countries inhabitants. This amazing result is the indirect consequence of X-rays discovery in 1901, of antibiotics in the late 20s, of advances in surgery with the first heart transplant in the late 60s, to name just a few representative examples. In the new millennium, eHealth will likely constitute the next disruptive big jump. In this fast-paced world, early diagnosis (i.e., before even the patient reaches an hospital) and remote care (i.e., without physical presence of medical doctors) are important cornerstones to make this big jump become a reality.

CONCERTO envisions to develop the networking technology necessary to foster eHealth. CONCERTO’s main objective is to guarantee the delivery of interactive, high-rate Multi-view and Holographic Tele-Medicine (MHTM) applications over wireless networks.

This panel session will present CONCERTO project and its preliminary results. In particular the panel will focus on potential use cases identified during the first year of the project. The panel will discuss the key challenges related to the different scenarios and will evaluate their potential interest for the world of medicine.

Panel program:

  • “Introduction of the panel and presentation of CONCERTO project”, Dr. Maria Martini
  • “Use cases: challenges and business opportunities”, Lorenzo Iacobelli
  • “Secure QoE-aware image/video coding”, Dr. Maria Martini
  • “Content-awareness: wireless network support for media transmission”, Benoit Lecroart
  • “Context-awareness: media adaptation, fusion and protection”, Simone Moretti
  • “Standardization”, Benoit Lecroart


  • Dr. Maria Martini, Kingston University, UK


  • Lorenzo Iacobelli, Thales Communications and Security, France
  • Benoit Lecroart, Nec Technologies, France
  • Simone Moretti, Consorzio Nationale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Italy
  • András Takács, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Hungary