EAI International Workshop – Powered Smart Healthcare in Smart Cities


In the last decades, mobile communication technology has had a notable development due to new hardware capabilities, which leads to a new era of emerging services and applications. Advances in mobile devices, smart sensors and IoT, combined with high-speed networks, low latency transfers, and increased availability provide massive device connectivity unleashing unprecedented (big) data availability.
Smart Cities are strongly founded on information and communication technologies and a growing number of these are in active development across the globe. Driven by the demands of an evolving digital ecosystem, connectivity provides the foundation of smart city services, acting as an enabler of smart healthcare, intelligent transport networks, and intelligent power grids, among others. All of these with the sole aim of improving the quality of life for citizens.
For this workshop, we invite you to submit novel and original papers that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Next-Gen Services in Smart Cities.

Submit here


The Special Session will focus on, but not be limited to, topics such as:

  • Using Smart Cities infrastructure for Smart Healthcare Services
  • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Smart Cities
  • ITS Services for assisted mobility
  • Modelling Healthcare data and services
  • Smart Cities facility/infrastructure assisted healthcare systems
  • Smart Cities communication protocols for Smart User services
  • Security and privacy in healthcare in Smart Cities
  • Human-Computer Interaction Technologies and Services
  • Navigation services for disabled people in the Smart Cities context
  • Internet of things applications for mobile systems
  • Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
  • Medical imaging and Image Processing
  • Assistive Technology and Enhanced Living Environment
  • Machine learning and AI Services

Workshop Chairs

Paulo Costa, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal – [email protected]
Paulo Loureiro, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal – [email protected]
Sílvio Mendes, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal – [email protected]

Bio of Workshop Chairs

Paulo Costa is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science Engineering, at the Superior School of Technology and Management of the Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Leiria, Portugal, and teaches and is responsible for several curricular units.
At the present, he is a researcher at the Informatics and Communications Research Center of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
He received his PhD degree in 2017 from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Coimbra.
His main research topics are image processing and computer vision, specifically in segmentation, and pattern recognition (feature extraction) in the field of object recognition using ANN, HMM and simulation techniques.
He is the author of several articles in magazines and conferences in areas related to accessibility and computer vision and has also participated in several projects related to these areas. Other research interests include assistive technologies for the visually impaired and ITS services.
He is currently participating in the projects:

  • “SmartSIGN S2X project – Development of intelligent road signs”, SI I&DT EMPRESAS EM COPROMOÇÃO, whose objective is to develop ITS-G5 technology applied to traffic signs and autonomous driving;
  • “STC 4.0 HP – New Generation of Stoneware Tableware in Ceramic 4.0 by High Pressure Casting Robot work cell” project, Sistema de Incêntivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (SI IDT), Aviso 12/SI/2020 – I&DT Empresarial (Copromoção, Parcerias Internacionais), projeto n.º POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069654.

Paulo Loureiro holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, from the University of Aveiro. Master (MSc) in Computer Science by the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, specialization area of Communications Networks. PhD in Computer Science by the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, with the thesis “Congestion Control with Support in the Intermediate Systems of the Network”. Associated Professor at Polytechnic of Leiria, at the
Computer Science Department. He has been teaching several courses (curricular units) in  Computer/Software Engineering such as Multimedia Services, Data Networks or Advanced Network Topics. He guides regularly BSc and MSc Dissertations. He was responsible for the creation of the Higher Professional Technical Course (CTeSP) – Computer Networks and Systems. Member of the Coordinating board of the Informatics and Communications Research Center (CIIC), of the Polytechnic of Leiria. Member of the Telematic Networks and Services Research group of the CIIC. Performs recurring scientific  review activities at conferences and journals. He regularly participates in the organization of conferences.
Member of Scientific Commissions at conferences. He has been making research work in the areas of Computer networks, protocols and architectures, Network management, congestion control, Quality of Service (QoS), Quality of Experience (QoE), Multimedia communications, video and codecs and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).

He participated in European projects "Validation of Integrated Telecommunication Architectures for the Long – term (VITAL)" – version 2 (1998) and “3D-ConTourNet, ICT COST Action IC1105, 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future”.

He is currently participating in the projects:

  • SmartSIGN S2X project – Development of intelligent road signs, SI I&DT EMPRESAS EM COPROMOÇÃO, whose objective is to develop ITS-G5 technology applied to traffic signs and autonomous driving;
  • CRASH – Development of a high precision reconstruction system
    designed to be used in a professional simulation environment related with real crash events, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-070315.

Sílvio Priem Mendes: Secondary Education in Finance and Economics. BSc in Computer Science – Information Systems (IPLeiria, Portugal). Post-BSc in Computer Science – Distributed Systems (UNova, Portugal). MsC in Parallel, Reconfigurable and Evolutionary Computing for Solving Optimization Problems (UNEX, Spain). PhD in Meta-Heuristics Effectiveness Analysis for the Radio Network Design Problem (UNEX, Spain), including bio optimization multi-objective techniques inspired to solve NP-Hard problems. Associated Professor at IPLEIRIA, he has been teaching several courses (curricular units) of Computer/Software Engineering courses, such as, Full Stack Web Development, Enterprise Application Integration, Information Security, Systems Interoperability, Advanced Systems and Services Programming and Enterprise Architectures, among others. He supervised several Bachelor and Master works in Computer Science, having participated as a jury in 2 PhD works and more than 20 MsC works in the field of Computer Science, between IPLEIRIA and Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. He was also responsible for the creation and development of a full undergraduate course in “Information System Programming”. He is currently managing the curricula internships leveraging students among regional enterprises. He has
also been summoned for several juries for Portuguese specialist grade assignment, in several Polytechnic Institutes all over the country. In addition to the publication of articles in national and international scientific journals, he was responsible for top quality publications, including “Benchmarking a Wide Spectrum of Metaheuristic Techniques for the Radio Network Design Problem”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION and a chapter of the book “Book of Biologically-inspired Optimization Methods: Parallel Algorithms, Systems and Applications”. It also presents several communications at national and international conferences. As an effective member of the Center for Research in Informatics and Communications (CIIC) of IPLeiria and Associate Member of CINAMIL – Research Center of the Portuguese Military Academy, he was part of the project “Emulation of the Computerized Battery System, Research, Development and Innovation Center in the Military Academy”. Principal investigator and Coordinator of the Iberian optimization group RND (Radio Network Design), participates in international R&D groups, namely the MONTH (Ministry of Science and Technology – Spanish Government):  projects “OPLINK: UEX.
Optimización y Ambientes de Red "(2005-2007) and" MSTAR: Multiobjective Metaheuristics and Parallelism in Communication "(2009-2011). He is currently participating in the projects:

  • SmartSIGN S2X project – Development of intelligent road signs, SI I&DT EMPRESAS EM COPROMOÇÃO, whose objective is to develop ITS-G5 technology applied to traffic signs and
    autonomous driving;
  • CRASH – Development of a high precision reconstruction system designed to be used in a professional simulation environment related to real crash events, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-070315.

Paper length

Short papers: 6-11 pages

Important dates

Workshop Paper Submission deadline
31 July 2022 20 September 2022
Notification deadline
18 September 2022 22 October 2022
Camera-ready deadline
23 October 2022 10 November 2022
Start of Conference
30 November 2022
End of Conference
2 December 2022