Call for Participation

The 7th edition of MobiHealth continues to focus on specific research and scientific challenges in the Healthcare Technology domain faced in Europe and globally and hence more interactive input from industry.

We are pleased to invite you to participate in MobiHealth 2017 which will take place in Vienna, Austria from November 14 to November 16, 2017.

The conference will consist of peer-reviewed papers, three interactive workshops, a renowned keynote speaker, and a special session on “Advances in soft wearable technology for mobile-health“.

Keynote – Prof. Rosalind Picard

Rosalind Picard, ScD, FIEEE is founder and director of the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, and co-founder and Chief Scientist of Empatica, improving lives with clinical-quality wearable sensors and analytics. Picard is the author of over 250 articles in computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, signal processing, affective computing, and human-computer interaction, with a recent emphasis on health.

Find Prof. Rosalind Picard’s talk on Emotion Technology here.


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